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September 11, 2020

Power vs Powerlessness in Addiction Recovery

It equips individuals with the tools to navigate the challenges that arise, helping them resist the temptations of addiction, manage stress, and cope with relapses when they occur. This step remains relevant in every stage of recovery, continually reinforcing the principles of humility, surrender, and self-awareness. You’re not alone—almost everyone has a hard time with Step 1 when they first get sober. In fact, much of the Twelve Steps require an explanation. The phrasing can be confusing or dated, and when people first encounter Step 1, they’re likely to pause at the idea of being powerless while others scratch their heads at “life has become unmanageable.”

definition of powerlessness in recovery

Throughout your journey in AA or NA, you’ll find that the sense of community and support is invaluable. You’re not alone in your struggles, and there are people who genuinely care about your well-being. Attend meetings regularly, engage with your sponsor or mentor, and be open to forming connections with others in recovery. MARR Addiction Treatment Centers specialize in treating individuals whose lives have been destroyed by addiction. Relying on 48 years of experience in the treatment industry, MARR identifies each individual’s underlying issues and uses clinically proven techniques to treat them. The Serenity Prayer is a central mantra of many recovery communities.

Beginning the Recovery Steps

Being humble can also prevent the kind of overconfidence in recovery that can ultimately lead to relapse. It is the resistance to what is that causes the most suffering. No human is meant to go through life alone without support, we all need others.

Use them to learn about additional supports you need, the needs or desires that drove you to act out, or catalysts or triggers that create more temptation. Constantly attempting to get your life under control when you are living in chaos is fruitless. The addiction has worn away at your self-control and self-discipline. You need to learn those skills anew through the tested work of recovery before you’ll be able to apply them to other areas of your life. Our nationally accredited substance abuse detoxification & treatment center is one of the most highly respected programs in the country.

What is Step 1 in AA?

To admit or even be mindful of powerlessness is a rarity outside of recovery. Our culture is so entrenched in competing for success that we’re uncomfortable acknowledging https://accountingcoaching.online/what-if-being-sober-sucks-4-tips-to-boost-your/ the limits of what we can and cannot do, individually. Vulnerability is often considered a weakness, but in the context of Step One, it becomes a source of strength.

  • You might have this thought if you come from a family background that was rigid, with strict rules and no tolerance for mistakes.
  • Make a list of the moments when you felt powerless over drugs or alcohol.
  • It opens the door to rebuilding relationships with loved ones, mending the fractures caused by addiction’s turmoil.
  • Step One AA is fundamentally about honesty, while active addiction is characterized by lies you tell yourself and everyone around you.

Until you reach the point where you choose to get real, stop lying and accept that you need help, any efforts you make to deal with your addiction simply won’t be genuine or effective. Suboxone is a valuable medication in the field of addiction treatment, providing hope TOP 10 BEST Sober Houses in Boston, MA January 2024 to those suffering from opioid… Alternatively, you might feel overwhelmed by the idea of taking on all the work of recovery. You might beat yourself up for missing a meeting or having a slip and then throw out all your other positive, recovery-based practices with it.


We sometimes feel as if we are the victim and point fingers at other people or situations. This kind of thinking prevents us from looking at our powerlessness. Accepting our powerlessness opens us up to the willingness for a Higher Power’s help. We let this Power remove the problem by practicing the rest of the steps as a way of life. Until we can accept powerlessness, we will not fully seek Power. Accepting our powerlessness (complete defeat) is the bottom that an alcoholic and addict must hit.

definition of powerlessness in recovery

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