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April 9, 2021

Long Call Spread Bull Call Spread

bull call spread calculator

A bull call spread is used when a moderate rise in the price of the underlying asset is expected. The maximum profit in this strategy is the difference between the strike prices of the long and short options, less the net cost https://www.bigshotrading.info/ of options. However, this strategy also caps potential losses to the net premium paid. The effects of changes in the underlying asset’s price, volatility, and time decay also play a crucial role in the strategy’s outcome.

bull call spread calculator

This strategy is constructed by purchasing one put option while simultaneously selling another put option with a higher strike price. Let’s assume that a stock is trading at $18 and an investor has purchased one call option with a strike price of $20 and sold one call option with a strike price of $25. If the price of the stock jumps up to $35, the investor must provide 100 shares to the buyer of the short call at $25. This is where the purchased call option allows the trader to buy the shares at $20 and sell them for $25, rather than buying the shares at the market price of $35 and selling them for a loss.

Strategy discussion

Up to a certain stock price, the bull call spread works a lot like its long call component would as a standalone strategy. However, unlike with a plain long call, the upside potential is capped. That is part of the tradeoff; the short call premium mitigates the overall cost of the strategy but also sets a ceiling on the profits.

bull call spread calculator

The next two columns, H and I, show the value and profit or loss at given underlying price at expiration. The underlying price is entered in the yellow cell I6; in our example bull call spread calculator it is $47.67. If the underlying ends up at this price when the options expire, the $45 strike calls will be in the money and worth $801 (2.67 x 3 x 100 in cell H9).

Call Spread Calculator

By doing so, it allows traders to make more informed decisions and minimize unforeseen losses. It should be noted that the maximum profit in a bull call spread is limited to the difference between the strike price of the two call options, less the net premium paid. The maximum loss is limited to the net premium paid to establish the spread. A bull debit spread’s max profit is the spread’s width minus the premium paid. To realize the max profit, the underlying price must be above the short call option at expiration.

The difference between the lower strike price and the higher strike price is called option spread. In the increasingly complex world of options trading, the Bull Call Spread Calculator serves as an indispensable tool for traders looking to maximize returns while minimizing risks. Through its intuitive design and accurate calculations, it helps traders make well-informed decisions.

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